New Music Review of "Your Eyes"

Here's the text from a music review of my newest release “Your Eyes,” written by British music reviewer, Dave Franklin, on his music blog, Dancing about Architecture:

“Pop is all too often big and brash and bold and bombastic.  But not always.  Sometimes, it can be restrained and understated, chilled and delicate, and the new one from Isbel and The Whispers frontwoman, Isabel Marcheselli, is undoubtedly one of those times.

That said, Your Eyes is still an impactful song, but it builds up its sonic weight through the layering up of various tones and textures rather than big sonic hits and musical sucker punches.  And the song is all the better for it.  

This piano piece slowly wraps itself with dreamscape hazes and classical grace, a gorgeous understanding of understatement and emotive atmospherics.  It is the link between the pop and the classical world, between structure and soundscaping, and between the worldly and the other.

And it proves, if proof were ever needed, that sometimes understatement wins over obviousness, that subtlety is better than shock tactics, and that less definitely is more.  Did I say sometimes?  Make that every time." 

(Link to the review.)



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